Equine Facilitated Interactions 

There has been a relationship between humans and horses for millennia. Recently, we have begun to explore the
therapeutic aspect of that relationship. Horses are truly congruent creatures, and are able to sense and react to a persons emotional and energetic state. A horse can teach us about our own feelings and how we interact with the world and others. 

What happens in an Equine Facilitated session?
Sessions vary depending on the clients needs and/or goals. Sessions can involve observation of the horses, physical interactions, grooming and handling the horses. The sessions are facilitated by myself to ensure a safe environment is maintained for both the client and horses. 

What is the difference between Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy (EFP) and Equine Facilitated Learning (EFL)?
Sessions can have a Psychotherapeutic or Learning focus. There is an overlap between the two, as the process of Psychotherapy involves learning about yourself. EFP can provide a deeper understanding of oneself, aid processing of trauma and can provide a powerful alternative to traditional talking therapies. Many clients find a blend of traditional Counselling sessions and EFP particularly useful. EFL sessions tend to have a more specific goal, which is discussed with the client prior to the session. EFL tends to be more future focussed and aims to help the client develop a particular area that they would like to improve upon. 

What are the benefits of working with horses?
There are many benefits of working with horses in this way, including, but not limited too -
  • Improvement of communication skills.
  • Management of stress and the provision of a relaxing, therapeutic environment.
  • A deeper understanding of your emotional state.
  • Improvement of problem solving skills.
  • Fosters relationship building skills.
  • Provides an alternative way of accessing therapy, which can be particularly useful for younger clients or those who struggle to engage in talking therapy.